It is legal for a patient with a Rhode Island registry ID card to use marijuana for medical purposes. Patients may also grow marijuana and appoint 2 primary caregivers for assistance in growing and obtaining medicine from a dispensary.
A patient may have up to twelve plants and two and one-half ounces of usable marijuana. Plants must be stored in an indoor facility.
Public consumption is not allowed in Rhode Island.
Employers may not rightfully terminate a qualified patient from her/his employment solely because of patient status. However, employers are not expected to accommodate the medical use of marijuana in any workplace.
No landlord may refuse to lease to or otherwise penalize a person solely for his or her status as a medical marijuana patient or primary caregiver.
• Cancer
• Glaucoma
• Hepatitis C
• Cachexia or wasting syndrome
• Severe, debilitating, chronic pain
• Severe nausea
• Seizures, including those characteristic of epilepsy
• Severe and persistent muscle spasms, including those characteristic of multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Any other medical condition or treatment, approved by the DOH in the future
There is a patient application fee of $100, but this fee can be reduced to $25 with proof of Medicaid, SSI, or SSDI.
Application forms and instructions can be found at http://www.health.ri.gov/programs/medicalmarijuana/index.php.
A written doctor’s recommendation must be included with the application.
The State of Rhode Island no Longer requires a $25 fee to register our dispensary with the Department of Health as one of your caregivers. Any patient of the Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Program can obtain medicine from our facility.
For more information on how to become a patient, please visit the Rhode Island Department of Health website by clicking this link http://www.health.ri.gov/healthcare/medicalmarijuana/for/patients/ or feel free to call us at 401-274-1000.